Mammalia, northern horned-monkeys, migrated from Azaz to Norwin, Ferania and some regions of Prunes. These species have white fur, small horns jutting on their foreheads, long lizard-tongues and green eyes. Some scientists of Globiuz presume, they were mixed with southern Empels (in Azaz) and northern Ramtraks (in Kazool Scoop), forming something in between an average-sized horned ape and a goat.
These hairy creatures live mostly in the tropical areas of Globiuz, in dense woods or jungles, and keep themselves in tight communities, managed by their leader. When scared, these apes can clog up the sky en masse, while fleeing from the tree crones. They spring off like spooks of the woods, grabbing lianas and making it all into a dash. They are also called ‘the flying goats’, ‘the horned apes’ and even ‘the white-ass-monkeys’.