Is it time to rely on the content 'aura'?
Search engines evolved from the direct word matching to the complex algorithms of meanings and syllables. Nowadays there are other complicated qualities of sorting out true demand on a request. For e.g., Google indexing apply certain 'weights' from your query, does the word matching not only by the direct dictionary meaning, but via such factors as:
- relevance
- source rank
- trend activity
- demand, etc
Each search engine has its own 'gears' to consider what is going to get queued next in the index. The most complicated aspect is to understand how the Google strings add new definitions to the query. Is the search engine self-learning or is it manually affixed each time.
That's where the answer of the code implementation kicks in: the nuances of the C++ strings, vectors, arrays, etc. The way you could automate the database code of your search engine with new words, trending stories, based not only on specific keywords, mentions in news, date of publishing, but by other human-line criteria.
In technical aspects, it takes more than just to understand one language, perhaps, it's even closer to building a whole AI brain, than just the indexing patching. And once again, we have docket at the question of the automated AI search crawling.

Most of the users have probably noticed the difference between Google and Bing. The way the latter hurdles to find more relevant answers because of minor typos, or simply because its crawling reacts late on the news. This all prompts us to advance not only the technical speed, but the AI self-proof and correction.
Targeted queries, ads and search engine results tailored for you is another way the search engines want to stay on top of the market. Keyword rankings, ad placement and the SEO targeting - most of the current websites are optimized around those search engine criteria.
Guessing the outcome of the query
Probabilistic reasoning implemented by the machine is improving objectively. The logical workload of guessing the outcome, your Facebook profile picture, matching the queries to one image, converging all the data from the cache servers, etc - all need to have basic probability query.
More on the search engine heuristics and the server probability reasoning in the work of: Rage Inside the Machine. What actual heuristic models or the AI probability reasoning algorithms do the major search engines use we may not know for sure. However, those who study well the AI, mathematical calculus, machine logic, programming and other related sciences may infer that the query is parsed by logical steps of:
- word parsing
- server matching
- news and social media impact
- sorting out the most tolerant results
- ranking out the data based on the probability
There are certainly more steps in the machine logic to execute, to counterpart it with the server side, social media, etc. It is important to find out a whole portrait of the keyword you were looking for. To build a whole sense of the content's 'aura' in order to distinguish the quality of it.

The aura of your content
Personalized data is build by individual attributes, specifically when we talk about a certain persona. We know that finding the names of celebrities is a fast way for the search engine to react. Stored in cache and combined from the media outlets, it would rank the 'John Doe' singer faster that the 'John Doe' plumber near your local area.
It may, in fact be the opposite - a well known and the most referenced source could make a better listing result. In this case, we must consider that we do not take into account the search engine's ad placement and the geo-targeting.
The aura of your content is the personal colour code of what you have created and what you are. Imagine a whole combination of data about you or your brand that has been amounted, stored and cached over time in the Internet.
In this case, the search engine must combine the most pivotal information, husking out all the chaffs over the Internet. The colour aura may help to understand the 'energy' source of the content. Is it warm or cold, celebrity or a historical fact, etc.

Mind what you create
By writing and creating your blog content, you invest time in your public profile. It means the products, services and your brand are open to judgement by many. You may create a good looking website, products, etc, but the aura of your brand may be tarnished by bad reviews, certain negative actions that became public during your tenure.
The content aura and the brand image do go along, but the latter works for your brand awareness, the former - for the impact over time. If your brand and product perform today, in order to build the public awareness, so you could get more recognition and hence, the sales, then the aura is the result of your work.
The aura of your content is something evaluated asunder from your brand and keeps the energy of it going even after your brand fails one day. Creating and generating quality content is a long-term process and the aims of such business should not be only the short-term oriented.