Tales from the attic
An old man Bakarak was a storyteller. One of such stories was the Globiuz I: The War of Opules, later on re-titled as the First Light. Globiuz - is the world that was supposed to be known as the Earth million years ago.

Swine-dogs and the bunch
Humans and other races are torn by constant wars with Opules — the hordes of cannibal swine-dogs. The vicious abominations are scything everything on their way, justifying it with their own twisted mentality. Only the kids from Amber Heights could handle it!
You see, life in the attic is really boring
Brutalized by wars and the swine-dog way of living, a soldier of Tornak reveals the true face of Opules, as well as a weakness of his own.
New kingdom
First Light could be interpreted as the birth of new civilizations and the fight for identity.
Have you really drank any ale today, Binglow?

Back to magic
First Light is also a farewell-saga to the 'magical' world that was known before the existence of the human culture. The decaying world, in where wizardry becomes a relic, spellbound in elemental magic, hidden by the incantations of sorcerers, harnessed into various objects so many travelers and treasure-hunters are after. It was caused not only by the progress of the advancing races, but by the cynical reasoning of their rulers.
From the First Light begins the new Globiuz, where magic is dispelled. A world, where new races come to hunt down the old ones and the weapons of mind emerge to quench traditions of the legends.