Methodology of content crawling
Briefly explained as: downloading page mapping and extracting the URLs of your site for the search machines. Some results may be excluded by the crawler, due to certain aspects and algorithms.
The quality and the frequency of content creation

To understand the 'psychology' of the machine-search, we need to established some of the factors of content selection:
- quality of the content
- frequency
- volume
- the ranking
In where the last position comes with time. A product-based blog, as minimum offers a 'quality' of something. Content of open solutions, tips and tidbits of your SEO content optimization. Every aspect of your blog may be read, if not by a human, then by a bot to consider its feasibility for inclusion.
Robots.txt reference

Having additional access to your sitemap.xml is having a direct routing from the robots.txt (in the root of your domain), to the actual file of the sitemap. In constellation of different object types: links, text, duplicate content, fresh news, etc, the robots should classify it properly and weight it out.
Specific optimizations of the SEO
Certain keywords may be preferred by the search engines, such tools are referenced today as tags and categories. Google Tags and other web acquisitions by the major search engines discern content by its wording. Evading meaningless writing just for writing - every article should have some prompt to the reader in improvement of his/her blog, a SEO markup and an incentive for better writing.
Evaluating your content via:
Building custom links and scripts if possible. Whether you're using Wordpress, Drupal or Joomla, open CMS's offer you the out-of-the-box plugins, where some of them are malwared and infested. Learning basic PHP and Java Script would serve a better result.

Proper aggregation and compounding of your content must be organized well in your database, basic knowledge of MySql, PhpMyAdmin and the caching techniques on the server side are must have.
Build visually
Building your data blocks visually, on paper, makes the blueprint of your future site future-proof! Without over-complicating with the categories and tags, the smart site and the smart database should function in seconds not only today, but in 20 years upon its 'completion'. A wrong buildup could cause future hiccups and delays of your database, causing you or your company expenses.
Optimization of content management and proper link building is a thorough way that comes with practice. The more of content you create - the better is the organization.